
Preschool educational institutions

The system of preschool education includes network of preschool educational institutions, scientific and methodical institutions, governing bodies of education, a family.
General secondary education
educational institutions of the general education of I of degree (elementary school); II degrees (main school); III degrees (high school). Educational institutions of the general education of all three degrees can function, is integrated or is independent.
Training at high comprehensive school begins with six - or seven-year age.
 Vocational training

Vocational training is carried out on the basis of full general secondary education or basic general secondary education with granting an opportunity to get senior secondary education.

Treat professional educational institutions:

·        technical training college of the corresponding profile;
·        professional school of social rehabilitation;
·        the highest professional school
·        professional lyceum
·        professional lyceum of the corresponding profile
·        professional and art school
·        art technical training college
·        the highest art technical training college
·        school agricultural firm
·        the highest school agricultural firm
·        school plant
·        center of vocational training
·        center of professional education
·        industrial practice center
·        center of preparation and retraining of personnel
·        educational and course plant
·        training center
·        other types of the educational institutions which are providing vocational training or carrying out professional training.

Higher education

The higher education — education level which is gained by the person in a higher educational institution as a result of consecutive, system and purposeful process of assimilation of content of training which is based on full general secondary education and comes to the end with obtaining a certain qualification following the results of the state certification

Higher educational institutions are: technical school (school), college, institute, conservatory, academy, university and others.

For higher educational institutions four levels of accreditation are established:

The first level — technical school, school, other higher educational institutions equated to them;
The second level — college, other higher educational institutions equated to it;
The third and fourth levels (depending on accreditation consequences) — conservatory, academy, institute, university.
Educational levels:

incomplete higher education;
basic higher education;
full higher education;
Educational and qualification levels:

junior expert;
expert, master.
Assessment of knowledge

  • The Ukrainian higher education institutions use a traditional 4-mark scale:
  • It's cool
  • "well"
  • "well"
  • "unsatisfactorily"
  • Since 2006 (and even earlier in some higher education institutions) quality of knowledge of students is also estimated on a scale from 0 to 100. These estimates can be transformed to a 4-mark scale as follows (this system can differ a little in different higher education institutions):
  • from 90 to 100 — is "excellent"
  • from 75 to 89 — it is "good"
  • from 55 to 74 — is "satisfactory"
  • from 0 to 54 — is "unsatisfactory"
  • In higher education institutions both of these rating scales are used.

  • At high school the 5-mark scale till 2000 was also used. Since 2000 on average education use a 12-mark scale.
  • "12" = "5+"
  • "11" = "5"
  • "10" = "5 -"
  • "9" = "4+"
  • "8" = "4"
  • "7" = "4 -"
  • "6" = "3+"
  • "5" = "3"
  • "4" = "3 -"
  • "3" = "2+"
  • "2" = "2"
  • "1" = "2 -"


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