Kievan Rus'
In the history of Kievan Rus' it is possible to allocate three consecutive periods: - the emergence period, both formation, and evolution of government institutions, chronologically covers the end of IX - the end of the 10th century; - the period of the greatest rise and development of Kievan Rus' (the end of X - the middle of the 11th century) - the period of political dissociation of Kievan Rus' (the end of XI - the middle of the 13th century). Origin of the names "Kievan Rus'" and "Rus-Ukraine". The state of east Slavs was called Kievan Rus, or Rus-Ukraine. About an origin and a definition of the name "Russia" researchers have no consensus. There are several versions: - rusam called tribes of Normans (Varangians) - they founded the state of Slavs and from them the name "Russian land" went; such theory arose in the 18th century in Germany and received the name "Norman", her authors are histori...